It was at this space that Osborne first gave the lecture ‘An interminable avalanche of categories': conceptual issues in the work of Robert Smithson (or, once more, against ‘sculpture’) on Thursday June 5th, 2008, at 7pm.
The original talk with accompanying slide projector re-present it in all its details, including expressive nuances, for example the generous sprinkling of bon mots.
Included as part of the exhibition is material concerning Theodor W. Adorno’s final lecture* (part of a course on Aesthetics) before he retired from public life, to continue work on Aesthetic Theory.**
Also included is artist Hito Steyerl’s single channel video work Adorno’s Grey (2012), which shows two conservators scraping the walls of his lecture hall, looking for a legendary grey that Adorno had painted in order to promote concentration.
*'The Classicism of Goethe's Iphigenie’ (1967). As Polity Press continues to publish translations of Adorno’s lecture courses, this will soon be available.
**After resorting to calling the police to have an activist group removed from campus, a lecture he was giving on Goethe was interrupted by a form of Aktionismus (Actionism), what has come to be known as Busenaktion (Breast Action): three female students bared their breasts and then proceeded to shower him with flower petals.